دور بارز لـ سليماني..وثائق سرية تفضح خطط إيران للسيطرة على ثروات سوريا والعراق
كشفت وثائق حكومية إيرانية مسربة عن خطة نظام الملالي للسيطرة على الإقتصاد السوري والعراقي واستغلال ثروات البلدين لخدمة المصالح الإيرانية.
الوثائق الرسمية نشرها مجموعة من القراصنة الإيرانيين، تكشف بشكل واضح برامج إيران وخطط حكومتها لاستغلال الفرص الاقتصادية في سوريا والعراق، عبر التغلغل في البنى التحتية الاقتصادية لهذين البلدين.
وبحسب إرم نيوز فإن مجموعة القراصنة الإيرانية المعروفة بـ ”تبندغان“ قامت بإرسال الوثائق التى حصلت عليها لموقع إذاعة زمانة المعارضة للنظام الإيراني.
وكشفت الوثائق التى نشرها الموقع أمس الثلاثاء أن إيران عملت خلال الاعوام الماضية على استغلال الإمكانات الاقتصادية والتجارية في سوريا، خاصة فيما يتعلق بالمصادر الطبيعية، والبنى التحتية السورية.
وجاء فى وثيقة بتاريخ 8 أغسطس 2018، أن الفريق الإيراني المعني باقتناص الفرص الاقتصادية في سوريا كان بزعامة 100 شخصية من مسؤولي وقيادات النظام، أغلبهم من قادة الحرس الثوري وفيلق القدس، وربما على رأسهم، قاسم سليماني.
وثيقة : إيران سعت للسيطرة على ميناء طرطوس
وذكرت إذاعة زمانة فى تقرير فقد جاء فى الوثيقة سعي إيران للحضور فى مشاريع اقتصادية خاصة بميناء طرطوس السوري بنسبة 20%، وذلك قبل أن تتغير المعادلة في مشاريع ذلك الميناء السوري لصالح الجانب الروسي الذي حاز على نسبة 40%.
كما تطرقت الوثيقة لمحاولات إيران للاستحواذ على أراضٍ زراعية، وحقول نفطية، ومشغلات إحدى شبكات المحمول في سوريا.
ائتلاف MIGG ذراع إيران للسيطرة على اقتصاد العراق
وفيما يتعلق بالعراق، أكدت وثيقة أخري نشرتها قراصنة ”تبندغان“ أن طهران تعتمد على ائتلاف مشترك من شركات إيرانية يعرف بـ MICG لتصميم مشاريع خاصة بالبنى التحتية والصناعة في العراق.
وقالت الوثيقة إن مجموعة MICG نفذت مجموعة من المشاريع بالعراق في مجالات مختلفة كالسدود، والمساكن، والطرق، والمنشآت النفطية، وقطاعات الغاز، والبتروكيماويات، والفولاذ، والمناجم، والزراعة.
وكشفت وثيقة أخري بحسب تقرير إذاعة ”زمانة“عن مساعي إيران للتدخل في اقتصاد العراق ضد أعمال حكومة، مصطفى الكاظمي.
الجدير بالذكر أن مجموعة القراصنة الإيرانية المعروفة بـ ”تبندغان“ والتي تعني ”خافقو القلب“، قد ظهرت أول مرة، في يونيو 2018، بعدما أعلنت عن قرصنة النظام الخاص بشاشات مطاريْ مشهد وتبريز“ الدوليين في إيران، حيث نشرت على الشاشات صورًا تدعم الاحتجاجات ضد النظام.
وكانت الكثير من التقارير الإعلامية المعارضة للنظام الإيراني قد كشفت فى أوقات سابقة عن تهافت الشركات الإيرانية، خاصة التابعة لقوات الحرس الثوري على سوريا والعراق للاستثمار في قطاعات عدة تحت غطاء إعادة إعمار البلدين لتعويض الأضرار الاقتصادية الإيرانية جراء العقوبات.
وطالما أعرب نشطاء سوريون عن مخاوفهم من تكالب إيران على مقدرات بلدهم والسيطرة على ثرواتها عبر استغلال الأزمة التي تشهدها البلاد منذ العام 2011.
كما اندلعت الكثير من الاحتجاجات الشعبية فى العراق للتنديد بتزايد النفوذ الإيراني فى البلاد وموالاة الكثير من القوي السياسية لإيران.
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طهران في مأزق.. مسؤول إيراني يكشف علاقة بلاده بمحاولة اغتيال الكاظمي
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The interactive doodle game made its debut on the homepage Sunday. Players can choose from a variety of gnomes to launch with the objective of sending them as far as possible into the garden. The game is simple, the farther the gnome travels, the more flowers it plants, and the more points players earn. The Garden Gnome Google Doodle is the fifth in the Stay and Play at Home series which launched on Monday. So far, Google has shared a game celebrating the first coding language designed for children, which challenges players to use code to guide a rabbit across blocks to collect carrots, and then a cricket game inspired by the ICC Champions Trophy. An estimated 100 million garden gnomes protect yards worldwide. Even today, people visiting Germany are likely to come across small settlements with tiny houses and garden gnomes. These allotment gardens are often given German names, such as a “Schrebergarten,” “Kleingartenanlage” or “Gartenkolonie.” Locals often rent these small allotments to do their gardening, according to german broadcaster Deutsche Welle.
Text Twist 2 can be played in all modern browsers, on all device types (desktop, tablet, mobile), and on all operating systems (Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, iOS, …). If you’re a gamer looking for some serious fun, join Shockwave® UNLIMITED and receive access to exclusive online games and downloads for a low monthly fee. You’ll enjoy unlimited play on all download games, no ad interruptions on all online games and brand new games each week. Test your vocabulary and discover new words! You’ll be surprised at how many words you can find with a small selection of letters. Equally, you’ll be amazed at how many words you can’t see as the levels get harder. There’s an element of gameplay that’s similar to classic games like Countdown and Boggle, which both involve creating words from a scrambled arrangement of letters.
Theo H: Số tiền H vay đã đội lên rất nhiều lần, H phải trả trên rất nhiều phụ phí, bên cho vay nói đó là phí bảo hiểm, phí vay, đội lên rất nhiều đến mức không thể chi trả được. Họ liên tục gọi điện cho tôi và bạn vè tôi vì có được dạnh bạ của tôi. Tôi cảm thấy rất áp lực. Các app vay thường quảng cáo lãi suất thấp nhưng thực chất họ trừ số tiền phí lớn. Theo tôi đánh giá, thực chất số tiền mà các app giữ lại chính là khoản tiền lãi. Tôi cho rằng về lâu dài, để quản lý hình thức cho vay này, Ngân hàng Nhà nước phải kiểm soát chặt chẽ. Cần có luật, cơ chế để phân loại hình thức vay nào có thể cho hoạt động, hình thức nào cần sự quản lý chặt. Trong đó các hình thức cho vay có lãi suất đều phải có giấy phép của Ngân hàng Nhà nước.
Các công ty tài chính thường có xu hướng làm việc linh hoạt hơn đối với số tiền bạn có thể được vay (điều mà thông thường không được ngân hàng và những người cho vay tiền tư nhân chấp nhận), đồng nghĩa với việc khoản tiền nhiều nhất bạn có thể vay được từ đây sẽ có giới hạn mở hơn. – Có đủ năng lực trả nợ ngân hàng 2. Đối với hợp đồng vay không kỳ hạn và có lãi thì bên cho vay có quyền đòi lại tài sản bất cứ lúc nào, nhưng phải báo trước cho bên vay một thời gian hợp lý và được trả lãi đến thời điểm nhận lại tài sản, còn bên vay cũng có quyền trả lại tài sản bất cứ lúc nào và chỉ phải trả lãi cho đến thời điểm trả nợ, nhưng cũng phải báo trước cho bên cho vay một thời gian hợp lý.”
Structure of content on the web As we’ve seen before, JavaScript looks at the “real” DOM, without flattening. But, if the shadow tree has , then we can figure out which elements assigned to a slot and, vice-versa, the slot by the element inside it: The element is used to declare fragments of HTML to be cloned and inserted into the DOM with JavaScript. The contents of the element are not rendered by default. Rather, they are instantiated using JavaScript. Here is overview on how to make simple Slot machine with HTML5. This demonstrates the basic structure of HTML5 game and how to use dynamically created graphics. Required, but never shown Super Megabot Adventure If the slot’s content isn’t defined when the element is included in the markup, or if the browser doesn’t support slots, just contains the fallback content “My default text”.
The max win for Floating Dragon is 5,000x your total bet. Basic Game Info Float away blissfully with your dragon guardian The main feature of the Floating Dragon slot machine is its ‘hold and spin’ function. This is triggered whenever 3 golden coins appear in the center reel, causing all other symbols to disappear whilst 3 free spins are activated. Every time another golden coin appears during these free spins, even more re-spins are triggered. Free spins can also be unlocked by landing 3 or more dragon scatters. Meanwhile, the princess wild is able to replace all other icons (excluding the gold coins and scatter), helping you to land additional wins. Pragmatic Play re-visit an eastern theme in Floating Dragon after not having done so since their release of The Dragon Tiger in November 2020. Behind classic Fruit Themes and Wild Western games, Asian themed games must be a close contender for one of the most popular slot designs out there.
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Powerball tickets CANNOT be canceled. The Oregon Lottery attempts to ensure that the winning numbers for each drawing are posted correctly on our website. However, posted numbers are unofficial. For official confirmation that an Oregon Lottery ticket is a winner, please have the ticket validated through a Lottery sales terminal at any retailer or at a Lottery office. (OAR 177-070-0035) NEW DOUBLE PLAY FEATURE: For an extra $1 per play your numbers will go into a second drawing to win even more prizes – up to $10 MILLION! The Double Play drawing will be held immediately after the regular Powerball drawings. Shortly before 9:40 p.m. Monday, California Lottery officials tweeted that the draw was still delayed because of an issue in another state. “There is currently no estimated time for the drawing,” the tweet said.
Check out Turbo Challenge Bingo. A modern, electronic version of the traditional shutter-style bingo game. Numbers are called every few seconds, so you better be quick with your shutter finger. Another way to cheat at online bingo or mobile bingo, in general, is if you are a hacker or you manage to hire one. Nobody really knows the technical side of such an illegal enterprise, but there may be some ways for a hacker to gain money off these sites. They could load cash into their account, rig the simulations to be in their favor, hack other players’ accounts, withdraw their money, or manage to get credit card information from the other players. Seven Regular Ways – The patterns looked for on a majority of the regular games played. The seven regular ways to bingo consist of; Horizontal line, Vertical Line, Diagonal Line, 4 in the corners, Postage Stamp(in corners only), Small Plus Sign and Small Letter x. In a Seven regular ways game any one of these patterns constitutes a bingo.
One Step Closer To Having NFL Every Night of the Week NFL football may be more frequently happening on Fridays.… NFL Over Under parlays are set up much like point spread parlays, with the standard Over Under line set at -110. Over Under or total bets require the bettor to wager on whether the final combined score of the game will go Over or Under the projected point total. In the example below, this bettor has placed a three-team Over Under NFL parlay pick. Every week during the NFL season, our experts will give you their favorite same game parlays from that week’s action. We love the NFL player prop parlays available at top-flight daily fantasy sites like Underdog Fantasy and Sleeper Fantasy. These fantasy player props aren’t technically sports betting picks, but they offer a very similar experience to prop-betting parlays.
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