القضاء يتدخل ..أزمة هدم المراقد الدينية والأضرحة تشتعل بين شيعة العراق


كشفت تقارير صحفية عن صدور مذكرة قضائية اليوم، الأربعاء بحق المرجع الديني الشيعي محمود الصرخي، على خلفية دعوات وجهتها حركته تهدف إلى هدم المراقد الدينية الشيعية في العراق.
في بيان لمجلس القضاء الأعلى في العراق، أشار إلى أن “المحكمة أصدرت قرار القبض بحق محمود عبد الرضا محمد، الملقب بمحمود الصرخي، وفق أحكام المادة 372 عقوبات التي تنص على معاقبة من يعتدي بإحدى الطرق العلانية على معتقد لإحدى الطوائف الدينية أو حقّر من شعائرها”.
وكان خطيب “حسينية الفتح المبين” التابع للصرخي دعا إلى إغلاق المراقد الدينية التابعة للشيعة في العراق، الأمر الذي فتح الباب أمام ردود فعل غاضبة من عشرات المحتجين.
الداخلية العراقية أصدرت بياناً في اليوم ذاته صباحاً، أكدت فيه إغلاقها مقارّ حركة دينية وصفتها بالمنحرفة دون أن تذكرها صراحة.
كما نقلت وكالة الأنباء العراقية “واع” عن الوزارة قولها إنها “أغلقت وفقاً للضوابط القانونية مقار هذه الحركة المنحرفة واعتقلت بمذكرات قضائية المنحرفين المتجاوزين على المشاعر والعقائد لينالوا جزاءهم العادل أمام القضاء”.
وفي وقت سابق الأربعاء، اعتقلت قوات الأمن العراقية 29 من أتباع الحركة “الصرخية” في 9 محافظات وسط وجنوب العراق.

احتجاجات غاضبة ضد خطاب الصرخي
في المقابل، أضرم محتجون ضد خطاب الصرخي، أمس الثلاثاء 12 أبريل ، النيران في مكتب زعيم الحركة في محافظة بابل وسط العراق، بسبب دعوات صدرت من أحد خطباء الدين التابع للحركة بهدم المراقد الدينية الشيعية في البلاد.
وأشار بيان الداخلية العراقية ذاته إلى الاحتجاجات الحاصلة ضد الصرخي، مشددة على أن “أي ردود فعل فردية أو جماعية غير منضبطة في هذا الشأن تمثل اعتداءً مرفوضاً على النظام والقانون”.
كما وصفت هذه التصرفات بأنها “سلوكيات مدانة قانوناً ومرفوضة من كل المرجعيات الدينية الرشيدة، ولا تخدم سوى أصحاب الفتنة والمتآمرين على السلم الأهلي”.

بسبب تغريدة مسيئة لـ السيستاني..إحراق مقر الديمقراطي الكردستاني بـ بغداد


وأكدت أن “القانون هو الطريق الوحيد للقصاص واستعادة الحقوق، وأن أي ردود فعل فردية أو جماعية غير منضبطة في هذا الشأن، تمثل اعتداء مرفوضاً على النظام والقانون، وهي سلوكيات مدانة قانوناً ومرفوضة من كل المرجعيات الدينية الرشيدة، ولا تخدم سوى أصحاب الفتنة والمتآمرين على السلم الأهلي”.

الصدر يهدد
وخلفت تلك الأحداث ارتدادات سياسية، من بينها ما قاله زعيم التيار الصدري مقتدى الصدر في بيان بأن “بعض من ينتمون بالتقليد إلى الصرخي، يحاولون إدخال بعض العقائد المنحرفة للمذهب، وآخرها ما صدر من إمام حجة لهم في محافظة بابل، الذي طالب بهدم القبور”.
وأكد الصدر ضرورة عدم التغاضي عما يحدث بالمجتمع من انتشار “العقائد الفاسدة”، فيما أمهل محمود الصرخي ثلاثة أيام للتبرؤ من دعاة تهديم المراقد الدينية، وتوعده بأنه في حال لم يتبرأ من ممثله، فإنه سيلجأ إلى الطرق القانونية والشرعية والعرفية.

الإطار التنسيقي يعلق على دعوة هدم المراقد
وقالت قوى “الإطار التنسيقي” الشيعية في بيان صحافي أصدره عقب اجتماع لقادة كتله، إن “الإطار تدارس المحاولات الخطيرة المشبوهة في نشر الأفكار المنحرفة والمسمومة والتهجم على عقائد الناس والتحريض على السلم المجتمعي، من قبل جماعات مدفوعة لإثارة الطائفية التي قبرها شعبنا بتضحياته ووحدته”.
وللصرخي مناصرون في محافظات الجنوب وهو معروف بآرائه الناقدة للأحزاب التي حكمت بعد عام 2003، ولديه مواقف رافضة لجميع مواقف علي السيستاني الذي يعّد المرجع الديني الأول لشيعة العراق، خصوصاً إعلان الجهاد ضد تنظيم “داعش” عام 2014.
وصيف عام 2014 أصدر السيستاني فتوى بالجهاد ضد تنظيم “داعش” بعد سيطرته على ثلث مساحة العراق، لتتشكل بعدها فصائل الحشد الشعبي، التي يتهمها البعض بالقيام بأعمال انتقامية على أسس طائفية في مناطق ذات غالبية سُنية شمال وغرب البلاد، وهو ما تنفيه تلك الفصائل.

تحذيرات من إبادة جديدة تهدد الإيزيديين بالعراق..ما القصة


بین الإطار الخارجي والداخلي..هل تنجح خطط إنقاذ العراق من الهيمنة الإيرانية؟

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    しかも、日本の企業にはカジノ経営のノウハウが乏しく、それに長(た)けた外国企業が日本でカジノを開くとなれば、海外投資家への還元分や収益が日本から出ていってしまいます。ラスベガスはじめ、先ほどのシンガポールにあるマリーナベイ・サンズやマカオでもカジノを経営するラスベガス・サンズという会社は、この5年余りで138億ドルという天文学的な額を株主に還元したと自慢していますが、実はその7割はラスベガス・サンズを経営するアデルソン一族に流れました。 フィリピンへは、全日本空輸(ANA)、日本航空(JAL)、フィリピン航空の両国の大手航空会社のほか、セブパシフィック航空やバニラエア、ジェットスター・ジャパンの格安航空会社(LCC)3社が相次いで就航や機材の大型化を行い、供給席数が増加している。マニラやセブと日本各地が結ばれており、直行便でアクセスすることができる。 アクセスランキング 弁護士法人上原総合法律事務所 世界で2カ国目、「孤立・孤独担当大臣」が日本に誕生したのはなぜ? ©2020-2023 The Sankei Shimbun. All rights reserved. 月曜日から金曜日の9時00分から17時30分まで 46年ぶりに「国連水会議」が開催!日本の水不足は心配ないのか 2019年11月3日付 ソレアの施設は日本人のお客様が増加しておりますので、今後は更にIR・カジノビジネスに精通した日本人が必要になってくるでしょう。皆様、日本カジノスクールで多くの事を学び、IRの運営に必要な技術、知識ともにしっかりと習得してください。数年後、皆様をソレアの一員としてお迎えすることになるかもしれません。その際は我々の贅をつくしたエレガンスをご自身で実感し、最高のホスピタリティでお客様をお迎えできるように努めてください。その時が来ることを心より楽しみにしております。

  14. ltiz يقول

    Bitcoin News brings you articles and news reports on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network straight from the source. If one has followed Bitcoin privacy advocate and podcast host, Matt Odell, then they will have certainly seen him promote the book, The Mandibles. Released in 2016, The Mandibles was Join The Bitcoin News Telegram Group Bitcoin News brings you articles and news reports on Bitcoin and the Lightning Network straight from the source. If one has followed Bitcoin privacy advocate and podcast host, Matt Odell, then they will have certainly seen him promote the book, The Mandibles. Released in 2016, The Mandibles was
    MIN Enter BRC-20, the first class of crypto tokens to be built on the bitcoin blockchain, besides bitcoin itself. Nearly 25,000 of the experimental coins have already been minted this year, sending transactions through the roof. Crypto taxes: Again, the term “currency” is a bit of a red herring when it comes to taxes in the U.S. Cryptocurrencies are taxed as property, rather than currency. That means that when you sell them, you’ll pay tax on the capital gains, or the difference between the price of the purchase and sale. And if you’re given crypto as payment — or as a reward for an activity such as mining — you’ll be taxed on the value at the time you received them. Changpeng’s big issue, though, is one that Crypto also seems to be struggling with right now. Changpeng says these assets belong to users and are “in the form users choose to store with us. We don’t convert for them,” implying that it’s not similar to the FTX situation. His point is that users choose which assets Binance holds based on what they trade with the company.

  15. wam يقول

    At SlotsHawk, we are passionate about casino slots apps and are of the opinion that they make the whole online casino experience much easier for mobile slots players. The reason we created this complete guide to the best casino slots apps and indeed all our slots guides at SlotsHawk was to make the lives easier of all mobile casino players and to offer a fair and unbiased overview to provide our readers with the information they need in order for them to pick the best casino app to suit their needs. Players who download the app version of a casino are the ones who receive mobile casino bonuses. Mobile device-friendly games that are developed to work on iPads, iPhones, or smartphones have a wide selection of games. Mobile casinos come with different bonus offers, free slots, no-deposit mobile, and free spins. 
    One thing players seem to love as much as playing casino games is socialising with other people. Well, the industry has the answer for this too and it comes in the form of social casinos. Social gambling is actually playing casino games using social networks. Naturally, the most popular option here is casino games found on Facebook. We must mention that the best casino online aren’t social casino products as these are often too simple, plus never offer real-money action. Nevertheless, those who want to compete with their friends and boast of their achievements will certainly enjoy any top-rated social casino. In terms of game selection, most products offer video slots and table games like poker and roulette. All UK casinos on CasinoGuide are licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, which sets a great number of controls on the online casino in order to be granted a gambling license. All casino sites are audited regularly and investigate player complaints, especially regarding delayed or withheld winnings. The UKGC ensures all players are protected from malpractices and being treated unfairly, making UK online casinos some of the most reputable in the casino sphere.

  16. Drums يقول

    Loco Joker is rewarding all their new players that sign up through Casino Bonus Checker with a very generous and exclusive welcome bonus. There’s 2 elements to the package which includes no deposit spins on sign up and a huge match bonus on your first 3 deposit. Loyalty Bonus is that bonus which is created to offer the loyal players something in return for their love and loyalty towards the online casino. Wild Joker Casino does not only offer a single bonus but an entire program. You can earn Loyalty Points while you play at the online casino which can help you climb the VIP ladder as well as they can be exchanged for exciting exclusive bonuses. These bonuses can be anything from a Match Deposit Bonus to a Free Spin Bonus which you can use to place bets on the casino games available at the website of the casino.
    There is a minimum withdrawal amount of £20, which is slightly high. There are however no fees attached to your first withdrawal of the week. Subsequent withdrawals incur a £5 charge though, which isn’t a good sign. The maximum withdrawal is £5,000 per day. You normally receive your money within a couple of days of the request being made. Withdrawal Speed EnergyCasino has other e-wallets that you can use for your transactions with the account. Here are some popular E-wallets on the platform. Based on all of the information mentioned in this review, we can conclusively say that EnergyCasino is a very good online casino. You can expect to be treated well and have an enjoyable experience if you choose to play at it. Ha az angol EnergyCasino oldalt nyitotta meg, de szívesebben böngészne finn nyelven, azt is megteheti. Menjen egyenesen a nettikasino oldalunkra.

  17. Wet يقول

    It’s likely a good idea to learn how cryptocurrency works before you dive deep into learning how to trade crypto. Cryptocurrencies are digital assets that are powered on the blockchain. Blockchain technology stores a ledger of every transaction of the cryptocurrency on every node powering the blockchain. Nodes are computers that are connected to Bitcoin’s network to mine Bitcoin. If one of these miners tries to enter false transactions, it will be nullified by the correct ledger. To buy cryptocurrency, first you need to pick a broker or a crypto exchange. While either lets you buy crypto, there are key differences between them to keep in mind. You’ll need to do some homework to determine which exchange is the best for your needs. Since Bitcoin is the original and most popular cryptocurrency, you can be reasonably sure that all the exchanges listed above will offer it. You may also want to look into what other cryptocurrencies they offer if you have plans to expand your portfolio.  
    The Premium Email Marketing Specialist of Crypto Arena Premium is responsible to support all marketing efforts for Crypto Arena Premium. This position is also responsible for fulfillment of sales campaigns focused on Premium Memberships (annual leases) for Suites, Premier Seats, and Tables & Lounges packages. Search ‘Crypto’ in all your email inboxes. If you did not receive or cannot locate the login email from Crypto, kindly reach out to our Customer Support team. Please note that you may be requested to provide identity documents, so we can verify you are the owner of the account. Crypto analyst John Paul Koning told CoinDesk that Canadian digital-asset trading platforms have been historically reluctant to list USDT. Coinberry prohibited USDT from its platform, as did Wealthsimple, according to documents filed to the CSA in 2021.

  18. Mealf يقول

    The best things in life are free, but they also come with a catch. Bingo is no exception. Most no deposit bingo sites require you to make a cash deposit before you withdraw any winnings, although the exact terms of these offers vary per brand. mFortune is a UK real money casino! Therefore, we offer real cash prizes whenever one of our players receives a win, even through free bingo no deposit! However, it is important to note that any wins from our bonuses are subject to a 40x wagering requirement. So, if you use our no deposit bingo offer and receive a win of £20, then this would need to be wagered 40 times before you can withdraw the cash prize. Bingo Spirit also houses Birthday Keno, Scary Keno, Candy Keno, and quite a few live lottery and keno options, including First Ball Color Lotto, Lotto Win 5 20, Lotto Win 10 20, and Keno 10 80.
    A slot machine, or money slots, is either a piece of equipment in land-based gambling establishments or an application in internet casinos that employs a RNG to show particular symbols to the reels. The money slot machine may be found on specialized casino websites that provide licensed copies for play. You may play slots for real money by opening an online casino account and depositing money. A demo version of the Free online slots is usually offered, in which the game is played with no demo currency – credits or coins. The top-ranked online casinos offer a payout percentage of at least 95% or more, meaning that they usher in the highest possible win rates to their users. We advise online gamblers to stay away from casinos that have a payout percentage below 90%, no matter the welcome bonus.

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    Things started looking up in 2023, but then a rout in August wiped nearly all the gains made in the previous months. At one point the price of a token briefly fell to as low as $25,409, down from the high of $31,814 in July. What fueled last year’s crash? Soon, Athena also took on a bigger project: designing the front end software for the Chivo Wallet, as well as a point-of-sale system, called Athena Pay, that would allow stores to accept Bitcoin. Actually sending Bitcoin back and forth can be expensive and slow, and requires a certain level of technical know-how. Athena’s ATMs would be useless if the average Salvadoran did not have a digital wallet they could use to buy and sell Bitcoin in a fast and cost-effective manner. By December, 950 Athena Pay terminals had been installed and were in use across the country. 
    Market cap is often a useful metric when estimating relative values of assets like Dogecoin. Assets with smaller market caps generally experience greater price swings with less liquidity than larger assets. We can use this metric to get an idea as to if a price estimate is in the realm of possibility. There are far too many influencers who love to give absurd Dogecoin price predictions. For example, many supporters like to throw around a $10 Dogecoin price prediction. Dogecoin reaching $10 in any reasonable amount of time is patently ridiculous because if it did reach $10, its market cap would be almost twice Bitcoin’s. Dogecoin may still be a good buy but expecting it to reach $10 anytime soon is silly. “When you think about the full spirit of what this crypto revolution is, there’s something pure in what Dogecoin has done,” Mike Novogratz, founder of Galaxy Digital Holdings, said on CNBC. “I worry that once the enthusiasm rolls out, there are no developers, there’s no institutions coming in. But it’s got the moniker of the people’s coin right now and it’d be very dangerous to be short.”

  22. Rastrear Teléfono Celular يقول

    Ahora que muchas personas usan teléfonos inteligentes, podemos considerar el posicionamiento de teléfonos móviles a través de redes inalámbricas o estaciones base. https://www.xtmove.com/es/how-to-track-location-of-someone-phone-without-their-knowledge/

  23. Jef يقول

    Several common themes are used in many murder mystery game nights, such as Great Gatsby, Holidays, Wild West, Mob, Aliens, and so much more. Some popular murder mystery game creators are Murder Mystery Company and Murder Mystery Co. Both have some great options for different games in the true crime and mystery categories. This might be our most challenging murder mystery scavenger hunt. For other options, check out all of our Virtual Murder Mystery Games. Their digital entry began in April, soon after the lockdown was announced, with the Huntzz app that had to be downloaded to play the game. For six weeks, they conducted quiz-related treasure hunts where participants could go from one place to another virtually depending on the correct answers. They limited their audience by posting it only on their Facebook page and WhatsApp groups.
    As an added bonus you can do more than just fly your Tello with this remote. If you are into mobile gaming the GameSir will add a whole new dimension to a ton of iOs and Android games. It is even compatible with some PCs. The GameSir is versitale and can be used with more than just the Tello. We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. We read every piece of feedback, and take your input very seriously. 2. Tap “Connect” button on the top to automatically search and connect to the gamepad. Go to Developer options and enable USB debugging. 2. Please click above “Download for Android” to download GameSir App for mapping activation. As an added bonus you can do more than just fly your Tello with this remote. If you are into mobile gaming the GameSir will add a whole new dimension to a ton of iOs and Android games. It is even compatible with some PCs. The GameSir is versitale and can be used with more than just the Tello.

  24. agoft يقول

    Findmate is an international dating platform where you can easily find a partner in any part of the world. Jump to find online dating site australia, associations, australia, trulyasian matches! Cupid media, then you automatically receive a totally free asian singles. Seasonal rentals and marry asian persuasion. You to meet asian singles. Need a part of eligible singles interested in texas with american spouse. Meet asian dating profile and we’ll match on your dream asian lady? Findmate is best entirely free asian men online dating app. For one thing, Findmate is the only app I can think of that offers users the ability to make a free introductory video, certainly at this price point. And the introductory video gives you a chance to make a good first impression. What is it like to use FindMate? One can wonder if most people are interested in mobile dating. Since the FindMate app is specifically made for individuals seeking relationships with eastern ladies, everyone’s response may be different. Naturally, these FindMate reviews will not conceal the reality that apps like Tinder influenced the service. While Tinder appeals to a broader population, one mail-order bride site targets a narrow user base. There aren’t many applications that compete with this Asian dating service. On the one hand, it contains all the characteristics necessary to surpass the most well-liked applications for ethnic dating. Most FindMate dating site reviews do not mention the website’s Asian focus.
    Dating apps may have been around for a while now, but that doesn't mean there isn't any scepticism around if they actually work. Dr. Caroline West, Bumble's sex and relationships expert says, “Dating apps are a great tool for meeting new partners, especially for those who find meeting people IRL a bit daunting. Sparking a conversation on an app reduces the pressure slightly, meaning you can get to know someone at your own pace.” Badoo is the most popular dating app throughout South America, though Tinder also has a big presence there. Another popular app in the region is Paris-founded Happn, which switches things up a bit by showing you users you’ve crossed paths with in real life. What’s not: Since it’s not your typical dating app, you won’t be going on actual dates; instead, it suggests events—comedy nights, concerts, etc.—to let you plan a date night.

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