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These lips have swelling, are tender, and have a heavy, thick lipstick look with a reddish-brick color. For the first few days, the color is darker than it will appear when healed. Refrain from activities or using products that could irritate your lips. Micro-wounds are created with Lip Blushing that leave you vulnerable to infection. Avoid activities that generate a lot of sweat for at least two weeks after lip blushing. (e.g. intense exercise, hot yoga, swimming, saunas). Excess moisture and sweat particles leave your skin susceptible to germs that could host a bacterial or fungal infection. Lip tattooing is one of the most difficult tattoos to preform. Be sure to do your research and book your lip color lip blush tattoo with an artist who has a strong education and it well trained. Proper technique is also a factor in lip blushing pain. Lip blushing is truly for everyone especially when done by the right artist!
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