في ذكرى تأسيس العمال الكردستاني..القاهرة تحتفل بـ العلاقات العربية الكردية
شهدت العاصمة المصرية القاهرة، اليوم السبت، فعاليات حفل توقيع كتاب العلاقات العربية الكردية، للكاتب الصحفي فتحي محمود، بحضور نخبة من المثقفين والمهتمين.
أقيمت صباح اليوم السبت احتفالية لتوقيع كتاب العلاقات العربية الكردية، للكاتب الصحفي المصري فتحي محمود، وذلك بمركز قنصلية الثقافي.
الكرد حراس البوابة الشرقية للوطن العربي
وفي بداية الاحتفال، تحدث المؤلف عن أهمية الكتاب وكيف جاءته فكرته، كونه عمل يطرحه للرأي العام العربي لما للكرد من علاقة بالأمن القومي العربي باعتبارهم “حراس البوابة الشرقية للوطن العربي” وفق بلاغة تعبيره.
ويقول الكاتب المصري إنه بدأ مع المسألة بمقال له في الأهرام دعا فيه للإفراج عن القائد عبدالله أوجلان، وتحدث فيه عن تشكل لجنة عربية إضافة إلى اللجنة الدولية المشكلة أصلا بنفس الغرض، لافتًا إلى ردود الأفعال الكبيرة التي جرت بعد نشر المقال.
وأوضح أن الاهتمام بحركات التحرر الكردي، وعلى رأسها حزب العمال الكردستاني، هي أساس للتعرف على نضال الكرد عبر التاريخ، مؤكدا على أهمية مضاعفة الجهد للتعريف بهذه الأدوار.

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According to Bitcoin Treasuries, a website tracking the Bitcoin held by publicly traded firms, other companies that have Bitcoin on their balance sheet include Core Scientific, BTC Miner Marathon Digital Holdings, fintech giant Square, crypto exchange Coinbase and crypto investment firm Galaxy Digital. Statistically, the longer investors hold onto their coin, the less likely they become to sell at any point. Thus, the LTHs generally tend to keep their coins dormant for longer periods than the STHs. Because of this reason, the LTHs are also often referred to as the “diamond hands” of the Bitcoin market. The creator of Bitcoin, who hides behind the moniker Satoshi Nakamoto, remains the major holder of bitcoins. The number of bitcoins that Nakamoto owns today is estimated at around 1.1 million, based on the early mining that he did.
Miners consider official crypto mining pools more reliable since they receive frequent upgrades by their host companies, as well as regular technical support. The best place to find mining pools is CryptoCompare, where miners can compare different mining pools based on their reliability, profitability, and the coin that they want to mine. Another option for mining is to cloud mine. Much like you can meet your data storage needs by purchasing cloud storage, you can purchase a cloud mining service or contract from a cloud mining provider. This allows you to mine cryptocurrencies indirectly without exposing yourself to as many of the sunk costs and maintenance requirements of specialized mining hardware. The more computers and servers you can operate, the more bitcoins you can earn. Many miners get their start simply by running one server out of their home. However, expanding the mining operation means investing in a dedicated data center to operate bitcoin mining servers.
A portal tracking bitcoin seized by the US government shows the Feds have missed out on $5.6 billion by selling BTC rather than holding it. A cryptocurrency exchange is an online platform that allows you to trade or sell your Bitcoin for fiat currency, such as U.S. dollars or other traditional currencies. You create an account on the exchange, deposit your Bitcoin, set up a sell order, and once it’s filled, you can withdraw the cash to your bank account. Yes, it is legal to sell Bitcoin for USD and other currencies. We are an affiliated Swiss financial intermediary and our regulation allows for KYC-less money exchange under certain thresholds. As a result, you can sell BTC by bank transfer without having to verify your identity below the limits shown here. You can still choose to identify and lift these limits.
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