شن الزعيم العراقي مقتدى الصدر هجوما شديدا على رئيس الجمهورية برهم صالح بسبب قانون تجريم التطبيع.
واعتبر الصدر فى تغريدة عبر موقع تويتر انه من المخجل جدا أن يرفض ما يسمى برئيس الجمهورية التوقيع على قانون تجريم التطبيع.
وأشار الزعيم العراقي إلي أنه “من المعيب على الشعب أن يكون رئيسهم تطبيعياً وغير وطني بل تبعي للغرب أو الشرق”.
واعلن الصدر براءته أمام الله وأمام الشعب العراقي عما وصفها بـ”الجريمة”، معربا عن اسفه لـ”ترشيحه لمنصب الرئاسة سابقاً ولاحقاً”، فى إشارة إلى الرئيس العراقي برهم صالح.
وأنهى مجلس النواب العراقي يوم الخميس 19 مايو تقرير ومناقشة مقترح قانون حظر التطبيع وإقامة العلاقات مع إسرائيل والذي يهدف إلى منع إقامة أي نوع من أنواع العلاقات معها.
كتلة “إنقاذ وطن”، أكبر تحالف في البرلمان العراقي، قدّمت في وقت سابق، مشروع قانون لرئاسة البرلمان ينص على “تجريم التطبيع مع الكيان الصهيوني”.
وأتم مجلس النواب، مساء الأربعاء 11مايو القراءة الأولى لمشروع القانون، مشيرا في بيان له، الى أن “القانون يهدف إلى الحفاظ على المبادئ الوطنية والإسلامية والإنسانية في العراق، نظرا للخطورة الكبيرة التي تترتب على التطبيع مع الكيان الصهيوني المحتل أو الترويج له أو التخابر أو إقامة أي علاقة معه”.
وصوّت مجلس النواب العراقي، الخميس (26 مايو 2022) على قانون “تجريم التطبيع مع الكيان الصهيوني”، وأقر القانون بالإجماع.
وعقد البرلمان جلسته رقم 9 ضمن الفصل التشريعي الأول، من السنة التشريعية الاولى للدورة الانتخابية الخامسة، وافتتحها رئيس مجلس النواب محمد الحلبوسي، بحضور 275 نائباً.
وقرر مجلس النواب، تعديل اسم قانون “حظر التطبيع وإقامة العلاقات مع الكيان الصهيوني” إلى “قانون تجريم التطبيع مع الكيان الصهيوني”.
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Copyright © 2022 Football Today. Arsenal have 15 games left in the Premier League this season, while the two Manchester clubs have 14 each. The next five fixtures could determine the rest of the campaign, especially if one or two sides slip up. Coming to Liverpool’s final fixtures of the Premier League season, the reds will travel to Newcastle United on Saturday, April 30, followed by a home match against Tottenham on Saturday, May 7. Jurgen Klopp’s team will next take on Aston Villa at Villa Park on Tuesday, May 10 followed by a home match against Wolves on Sunday, May 22. The dates for the postponed match against Southampton are yet to be out. As for City, they will meet nine of the same opponents as the Reds with six of their remaining games at the Etihad.
The Olympic National Stadium and the Price Stadium were the venues for the men’s tournament while the Army Stadium, the Smart RSN Stadium and the Olympic National Stadium hosted women’s matches. Urbandale 27, Bettendorf 14 Sometime after Georgia blocked a field goal and then almost slow-motioned its way to a touchdown return, and after the Bulldogs intercepted a pass that bounced off an LSU player’s helmet, and after Jalen Carter mutated into some modern-day Hulk and held Jayden Daniels up in the air with one hand while flashing a No. 1 sign with the other — like a cartoon triple feature — something became clear Saturday. Three AFL matches will be broadcast in traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language during the 2023 Sir Doug Nicholls Round Along with the College Football Scoreboard, VegasInsider has Scores and Betting Results for other professional and college sports which are listed below:
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Here’s a list of the top 20 richest Casino companies in the world as per the data of 2022. At the time of his passing, he was the 28th richest man in the world and the wealthiest casino owner in both the United States and the whole world. Before his death, it was estimated that he was worth around $29.8 billion. Gambling has been around since ancient times, and it has never lost its popularity so far. There are millions of people who prefer to play casino games, sports betting, or even poker in real money mode on the Internet than going to land-based casinos because they feel more comfortable in the virtual space with no limitations in place as long as they have access to the web and their credit cards or e-wallets ready. Here are some of the richest casino owners in the world.
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10 “Best” Playtech Online Casinos (February 2023) Our list of the best IGT online casinos serves as a cheat sheet to choose a good and reliable website as quickly as possible. We provide the major info about each IGT casino on one page, so you don’t need to go through dozens of pages to find the right one. ‘Cleopatra’ is certainly among the most popular and best IGT slots, even though its’ RTP is not the highest one. It can be found at most IGT casinos UK. It has a simple play area with a 5×3 layout and only 20 paylines, and the low bet limits make it perfect for the first-time and less experienced players. ‘Wheel of Fortune On Tour’ is, of course, the top highlight in the chart of the best IGT games with high RTP. This slot will take you on an adventure in the US where you can land various symbols depicting Highway 66, Hollywood, New York and a series of iconic American landmarks.
Since its peak, the value of the coin has fallen back to earth. Here’s a look at how much the coin could be worth if it returns to all-time highs. Dogecoin’s implementation differs from its predecessors: It was originally forked from Litecoin, then refactored to Bitcoin. Dogecoin’s target block time is 1 minute, as opposed to Litecoin’s 2.5 minutes and Bitcoin’s 10 minutes. Dogecoin is actually very similar to Bitcoin, as it can be used to send value internationally to anyone. And in recent years, the coin’s network has increased and more vendors are accepting the unique token. In the US, for example, the coin can be used for online and in-store purchases via Bitpay, a cryptocurrency wallet. Tesla also accepts DOGE as a form of payment from some merchandise. However, Dogecoin is not popular in Australia and its uses are mostly limited to trading and sending it.
Altcoin Trader is a Centralized cryptocurrency exchange based in South Africa. The exchange was launched in 2014. Altcoin Trader has 20 available trading pairs and 21 coins. The exchange uses the Ordinary procedure for verification including two-step verification process and Know Your Customer (KYC) procedure. If you want to raise the account limits and minimize processing time you must go all the way, uploading ID card, proof of residence, etc. At the moment, WalletInvestor has a Pi coin price of $0.007077 – but the website also says that its Pi data hasn’t been updated since 2017 and has added a “missing data or revoked cryptocurrency” warning. It also states: “According to our forecast aystem, Pi is a bad long-term (one-year) investment.”
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